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Now downloading free:panasonic MQMSH001OH060616REV1 TX-xxx P6 burnt

panasonic MQMSH001OH060616REV1 TX-xxx P6 burnt free download

LCD Liquid crystal display TVs

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File name:MQMSH001OH060616REV1_TX-xxx_P6_burnt.pdf
[preview MQMSH001OH060616REV1 TX-xxx P6 burnt]
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Model:MQMSH001OH060616REV1 TX-xxx P6 burnt 🔎
Original:MQMSH001OH060616REV1 TX-xxx P6 burnt 🔎
Descr: panasonic LCD TX-47AS800 MQMSH001OH060616REV1_TX-xxx_P6_burnt.pdf
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV > LCD
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File name MQMSH001OH060616REV1_TX-xxx_P6_burnt.pdf

Confidential For NSC's Only For Authorised Service Agents Only Ref No: MQMSH001OH060616REV1 SERVICE HINT A BG CY E FL I LT MD NL S TR Date AL BIH CZ EST GB IRL LV MK P SK UA 06.06.2016 AND BY D F GR IS M MNE PL SLO Country Reported B CH DK FIN H L MC N RO SRB DE Product Category: Liquid Crystal Display Television Subject: Power Board connector P6 partly burnt Model(s) Affected: TX-47AS800 TX-47AS802 TX-47ASW804 TX-55AS800 TX-55AS802 TX-60AS800 TX-60AS802 TX-60ASR800 Symptom / No function, LED blinking red 1x Cause: Due to loosen contact or possibly dust contaminated contact in the P6 connector connections, the transient resistance arise in the particular VLED1 voltage connection plug pins (esp. no.: 17-20), related pins get warm whilst being overloaded as remaining ones with current from VLED1 supply and protection circuit is activated and TV shuts down (with SOS1). Remedy / Method: Exchange of the P6-LD1 cable with plugs, exchange of the P-PCB P6 socket Tips how to recognize this issue: 1. Customer reports TV with permanent symptom "No function, LED blinking 1x time red" 2. TV works normally, but suddenly protection mode SOS1 appears 3. P6 connector is damaged as shown on the below picture Replacement P/N: P6 to LD1 cable with connectors - 60" PANEL TXJ/P6DBVE P6 to LD1 cable with connectors - 55" PANEL TXJ/P6DCVE P6 to LD1 cable with connectors - 47" PANEL TXJ/P6GLVE PCB P6 connector Socket K1KY20BA0491 Rear view of the TV Document No: MQM_SH Panasonic 1 of 1 Rev: 2.00 DG140612

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